The beauty of the green grass will not last much longer. It is a natural prelude to the hot Southern Portugal summer. A beautiful threshold in the door of summer and destructive power of drought. Despite this melancholic feeling and scare of time passing by a bit too quickly, it is not hard to enjoy the view. The field of olive trees seems to be painted in front of the eyes. Layers of colours are merging. Deep, intriguing green with a square of orange of the soils contrasts with the amazing blue firmament. Looking at it causes tears, which sun rays squeeze from fascinated eyes.

The real painting with the brushstrokes visible in the white clouds crossing the landscape. Narrow shortcut through the hill covered with weed and blossoming flowers leads to the tiny square with lush grass. Right there the sound of the waterfall fills the eyes.
Drops of the water are hitting my face, giving the skin a bit of relief from the heat. I take off my clothes and dip into the water, my feet swollen from the walk. For most people, the temperature of the water right next to the waterfall might be too cold. For me, however, it is refreshing and delightful. It wakes up memories of my village from childhood. The memories of the first warm days in May and the freedom of swimming in the cold lake. I slide my body into crystal clear water and I let it carry me lightly and support my movements. From the level of the lake, the waterfall reveals its full beauty.

Queda do Vigario falls from the open mouth of the rock and splashes in continuous rhythm on the surface of the little lake. It is not very tall - about 7 metres of the wall of water might not sound spectacular, but for sure it looks it. Rich flora grows on its banks, giving a small shelter from the sun and making the play of light and shadow even more spectacular. Succulent leaves from the other bank bend over the surface and reflect their beauty in the water. I put a special effort to swim closer to the place where the falling drops are meeting the surface. It is worth it, the only thing I can hear now are the steady, calming sounds of the waterfall. The surrounding world and problems seem to be far away, somewhere in the world outside the water.

So lucky to be here at the moment. With nature and these wonderful Portuguese views. I put aside regrets of 'ruined' plans and 'wasted' plane tickets and enjoy what is around me.
This year most probably will be like this - instead of big travels somewhere far away, small trips to the beauty hidden just behind the corner. This way we can still enjoy living on the move but also support local businesses and help them survive difficult times.
Sometimes we are looking far away. Not only for our travel goals but also happiness, while all the beauty we need is right next to us, or even better - within us. Stop for a moment and if you can't find anything exciting around you, outside, just close your eyes and listen to all the delights inside you. Recall your most beautiful memories. Then, open your eyes again and see...